With the Thick Dough Machine, one of the most important machines in dough production, you can prepare bread, desserts or pastries very easily. These products are perfect for dough mixtures with the right consistency. These are ideal for dough varieties that are generally difficult to make. Thanks to this product, you can easily prepare and serve many delicious recipes. These products are also equipped with many useful and convenient features. You can use this product for many recipes and dough products
The food and products prepared using thick dough machines are consumed at almost every meal. In particular, food made of flour, such as bread and pastries, can easily be found on all tables in our country. You can easily prepare all food of this style and type with the help of a thick dough machine and consume them with pleasure. Thick dough machine makes doughs of various consistencies, ingredients and especially thick doughs suitable for baking in a very short time. You can prepare many different foods, from various cake mixes to breads, from pastry types to pizza dough, with the thick dough machine. You can easily prepare various and different types of dough for very large feast tables
Thick Dough Machine can be used to prepare many different foods such as appetizers, breakfasts, dinners, treats and snacks. The thick dough machines have the capacity to produce 100 kg of product per hour. Thus, it can easily knead very large portions and sizes of dough. With the thick dough machine, you can prepare very large portions and make the products needed for large invitations and events ready in your business.
These products also include auxiliary equipment. These are beaters and blenders. Thanks to this equipment, you can meet the food and snack needs of large organizations. You can also prepare a wide variety of appetizers by using beaters or kneading assembly. You can choose products such as thick dough machines to prepare very practical and delicious food for a feast of 30-40 people.